Sunday, 28 March 2010

E-mail addiction

Friday 26 March 2010

E-mail addiction
I had the most bizarre experience the other day. I was working from home as I do every couple of weeks to get a bit of space to think, be creative, get some stuff cleared out of the way, blitz my to do list etc. (That wasn’t the bizarre bit) Now normally as I work at home I try to steer clear of looking at e-mails. I turn off my e-mail programme so I can’t even get them, and then just turn it on from time to time. But this day, (this is the bizarre bit) something just gripped me, I was like a man possessed (I’m not by the way (oh yes he is, oh no he isn’t) sorry those voices just never go away). It was like every time an e-mail pinged in, I just didn’t have any self control, any discipline whatsoever to ignore it. “READ ME, READ ME” they would shout at me. And I found I was no match for their temptation. So maybe I’d be in the middle of preparing a talk, just crafting a great concept, then STOP “THERE’S AN E-MAIL TO READ!!!” so lose track, lose focus and read e-mail, only to discover someone at work is selling some Stars Wars figures and the online auction is about to end, with 5 shillings and thruppence having been raised.

Why, do we do this? I’ve also noticed when I get up in the morning, as I make my cup of tea, I always check my e-mail. I tell myself that it means when I get to work, I’m ready to go. But why not just chill and have a few minutes acknowledging God and enjoying his presence? Because e-mail knocks Him off the top spot in my life.

I’ve just got a new phone, it’s amazing you can ring people and send texts, flipping awesome. Self Control comes and goes doesn’t it, I decided to exercise self control and not get a phone where I can check e-mail, not get a phone where I can go on the internet and see who on facebook has made a funny comment on my status update.

Life is so much better when e-mails and facebook and twitter don’t control you. They’re not bad things, in many ways they are brilliant ways at interacting with a wider community. But when they control, I truly believe they can squeeze out the peace and relaxation of a mind at rest which from time to time is exactly how God wants our minds to be.

Right, time to check e-mail……

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